Dive into the transatlantic relationship and learn more about Chicago and Hamburg. Check out our podcast ChicagoHamburg30 here, where we celebrate 30 years of the Hamburg-Chicago sister city partnership (1994-2024) in 30 episodes.

Film Screening: The Light of Truth
The Light of Truth: Richard Hunt’s Monument to Ida B. Wells is a documentary film about the creation of the monument honoring civil rights activist, journalist, and women’s rights advocate Ida B. Wells by sculptor Richard Hunt from Chicago. By intertwining Hunt’s artistic process with the history of Wells’ heroic struggle for anti-lynching laws and women’s rights, we discover how Wells has inspired the justice fighters of our time.
TheAmerikazentrum is presenting the documentary for the first time in Germany, in conjunction with the American commemorative holiday Juneteenth and the 30th anniversary of the sister city partnership between Hamburg und Chicago.
The event is made possible with the generous support of the Auswรคrtige Amt, the U.S. Consulate General Hamburg, and the Senatskanzlei Hamburg.

Play: EURYDICE from Sarah Ruhl
We warmly invite you to Sarah Ruhl’s play EURYDICE.
EURYDICE reinterprets the classical myth of Orpheus and Eurydice from a new perspectiveโinstead of seeing Orpheus’s attempt to retrieve Eurydice from the underworld through his eyes, we experience it through the eyes of the heroine Eurydice.
With contemporary characters, surprising twists, and provocatively charming supporting roles, this play offers a fresh and refreshing look at the timeless love story of Eurydice and Orpheus.
Directed by Henny Fleischmann and Charlie Bierend, this production is co-produced by the Amerikazentrum and theย University Players of Universitรคt Hamburg.
Premiere: Tuesday, May 7, 2024, at 8:00 PMโ
Additional dates:
May 8, 2024, at 4:00 PM, with an introduction by Michel Bรผch (3:00 PM)
May 8, 2024, at 8:00 PM, with an introduction by Michel Bรผch (7:00 PM)
May 23, 2024, at 8:00 PM, followed by a discussion with the audience
May 24, 2024, at 8:00 PM
Location: Hamburger Sprechwerk, Klaus-Groth-Str. 23, 20535 Hamburgโ
Tickets are available here.
**Use promo code AMERIKAZENTRUM for 15% off tickets.**
The University Players (UP) are the English-language theater group of the Universitรคt Hamburg. Founded in 1980 by the then-professor and bestselling author Dietrich Schwanitz at the English department of the Universitรคt Hamburg, the group aims to provide students with practical experience in staging dramatic texts alongside their literary studies. The University Players are a non-profit organization and finance all productions themselves. Each semester, students and Anglophiles from all disciplines and nationalities come together to perform a play in English. Each production is accompanied by a comprehensive program booklet providing background information on the play and its author, connecting it with current discourses.
The Power of Women – Advocates of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion
March is Women’s History Month.
This year’s official theme is Advocates of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion.
In a virtual panel discussion in English, we will celebrate outstanding American women who advocate for equality, diversity, and inclusion, shedding light on existing barriers in today’s society.
My-Linh Kunst (University lecturer, photographer, and women’s rights advocate) will moderate the conversation with Carron Little (Executive Director, Chicago Women’s History Center and artist) and Dr. Sabrina Voelz (Lecturer in English and North American Studies, Leuphana Universitรคt Lรผneburg).
Opening remarks will be delivered by U.S. Consul General for Northern Germany, Jason Chue.
Date: March 7, 2024
Time: 7:00 PM
Location: Zoom
The event is organized in collaboration with the American Women’s Club of Hamburg and the Chicago Women’s History Center.
With the kind support of the Auswรคrtigen Amtes and the U.S. Consulate General Hamburg.
Click here to register.
Die zerrissenen Staaten von Amerika (The Divided States of America) – Reading with Arthur Landwehr
The world is eagerly anticipating the outcome of the American presidential elections in autumn 2024.
USA expert Arthur Landwehr explores the sentiments and expectations of US voters at the beginning of the primaries in his new book Die zerrissenen Staaten von Amerika (The Divided States of America). He discusses his book and insights gathered over many years in the United States with journalist Anina Laura Pommerenke during the event of the same name on February 19, 2024.

Road to Election and Beyond
The 2024 US elections will significantly shape the global political landscape. Their outcome will not only influence the future of the United States but also critically shape European-American relations. Therefore, transatlantic organizations play a significant role by bringing diverse perspectives on domestic debates in the USA and Europe, influencing public discourse on both sides of the Atlantic. Given the particular relevance of these elections in 2024, the Amerikazentrum Hamburg is pleased to collaborate with over 25 other transatlantic organizations to co-create the virtual event series Road to Election.
From January 2024 to January 2025, this virtual event series will offer in-depth discussions and foster lively exchanges of ideas. The goal of the series is multifaceted: to provide informative, dynamic dialogues and uphold democratic values. The events will feature renowned researchers, decision-makers, commentators, and civil society representatives. Topics covered will include opinion polls and media influence, demographic aspects of elections, and pressing political issues such as trade and immigration.
The Road to Election series aims to provide comprehensive insights to both American and German audiences. To learn more about the series and register for upcoming virtual events, please visit:

Verbund Deutsch-Amerikanischer Zentren (VDAZ) | Association of German-American Centers (AGAC)
Das Amerikazentrum Hamburg is a proud member of the Verbunds Deutsch-Amerikanischer Zentrenย | Association of German-American Centers (VDAZ | AGAC)!
Der VDAZ ist ein Netzwerk aus gemeinnรผtzigen transatlantischen Bildungs- und Kulturzentren. Die Mitgliedsinstitutionen sind offene Begegnungsstรคtten, in denen Austausch und Verstรคndigung zwischen den USA und Deutschland gefรถrdert werden. Der VDAZ vereint die vielfรคltigen Aktivitรคten der Institutionen und vernetzt die deutsch-amerikanische Verstรคndigungsarbeit bundesweit.
Die feierliche Grรผndungsfeier fand am 21.September 2023 im Weltsaal des Auswรคrtigen Amtes in Berlin statt.
Die Grรผndung wurde durch Gruรworte der US-Botschafterin Dr. Amy Gutmann, des Staatssekretรคrs des Auswรคrtigen Amtes Dr. Thomas Bagger und des Transatlantikkoordinators der Bundesregierung Michael Link feierlich erรถffnet. Die Vorsitzenden des Verbundes, Viktoria Harbecke (AmerikaHaus NRW), Dr. David Sirakov (Atlantische Akademie RLP) und Eric W. Fraunholz (DAI Sachsen) stellten die vielfรคltige Arbeit der Deutsch-Amerikanischen Zentren vor und verdeutlichten die Zielsetzung des VDAZs. Der Verbund schafft nicht nur bundesweite Sichtbarkeit fรผr die Arbeit der Mitgliedsinstitutionen, er bietet auch die Mรถglichkeit der besseren Vernetzung untereinander.
Joshua Yaffa vom The New Yorker, Bartley Grosserichter, Prรคsidentin des Yale Club Germany und Grรผnderin der Munich Dialogues on Democracy, sowie Anna Steinbrich, Alumna des โAmbassadors in Sneakersโ-Programms, teilten ihre Perspektiven und Erfahrungen in der Zusammenarbeit mit dem VDAZ. Die deutsch-amerikanische Entertainerin Gayle Tufts fuฬhrte durch das Programm
Die Grรผndung des VDAZ ist nicht nur ein Zeichen der engen Zusammenarbeit zwischen den verschiedenen Deutsch-Amerikanischen Zentren und Instituten, sondern auch ein Bekenntnis zur Bedeutung der transatlantischen Beziehungen.
Mitgliedsinstitutionen: Amerika-Gesellschaft Schleswig-Holstein, AmerikaHaus NRW, Amerikazentrum Hamburg, Atlantische Akademie Rheinland-Pfalz, Carl-Schurz-Haus Freiburg, d.a.i. Tรผbingen, DAI Heidelberg, DAI Nรผrnberg, DAZ Stuttgart/James-F.-Byrnes-Institut, DAI Saarland, DAI Sachsen und die Stiftung Bayerisches Amerikahaus
Discover our free events such as panel discussions, lectures, and film screenings.
The Trans-Atlanticist is our podcast about transatlantic relations between Europe and America. With ChicagoHamburg30, we celebrate 30 years of sister city partnership in the anniversary year 2024.
As a member of the America Center Hamburg, you have access to ebooksUSA, an online lending platform for eBooks, audiobooks, and magazines.
As one of 430 international institutes, we advise young people on exchange and educational opportunities in the USA.
Sister City Partnership: Hamburg – Chicago
The partnership between the Hanseatic City and the Windy City has existed since 1994. It was initiated by Mayors Henning Voscherau and Richard M. Daley.
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