We aim to expand the scope of our mission to align with Hamburg’s efforts to transform into a Smart City with an integrated science city by 2035. From these considerations, the BEST Program was developed, focusing on extending the Amerikazentrum’s mission to include a concentration on Business, Entrepreneurship, Science, and Technology. Our BEST Program will modernize the Amerikazentrum and further strengthen the existing connections between Hamburg and Chicago, as well as between Germany and the USA.
Hamburg and Chicago are currently working to expand their city partnership with a formal agreement on economic exchange. Once market sectors of mutual interest are identified, the cities will organize forums and trade missions as part of the process for signing a formal extended partnership agreement. In this context, the BEST Center could become a hub for networking and exchange.

With our BEST Program, we aim to specifically foster innovative ideas across the business, science, and technology sectors. Through our planned digital and in-person events, we want to provide students, young professionals, and emerging entrepreneurs with opportunities to exchange ideas about their innovations and benefit from one another’s experiences.

Hamburg plans to create a science city around its primary research facility for particle accelerators, the Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY). With its 2,000 researchers, 2,000 partners, 3,000 visiting scientists, 3,000 non-university researchers, and many student researchers, DESY not only investigates the fundamental structure of molecules but also explores alternative energy sources, such as hydrogen. Additionally, the city aims to transform the current DESY campus into a “Science City” by 2040, complete with its own transportation infrastructure and residential development. This new district is expected to become a potential hub for innovation and technology. These projects could lay the groundwork for joint collaborations, trade, investments, and exchanges.

The search for the next generation of talented employees is a critical task for both established international companies and startups. The BEST Center is designed to serve as a hub that connects aspiring entrepreneurs from Hamburg’s four major universities: the University of Hamburg, Hamburg University of Applied Sciences, FOM University of Applied Sciences for Economics and Management, and Northern Business School.
In addition to established programs, the center will also aim to launch new initiatives, such as the creation of a training center for video production and gaming. This would support Hamburg’s efforts to establish a gaming incubator as an entry point into entrepreneurship and startup formation.